¶ Version: 0.10.13
Description: Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Maintainers: - Vincent Rabaud <vincent DOT rabaud AT gmail DOT com>
Licenses: - BSD
Urls: Authors: - Vijay Pradeep
- Eitan Marder-Eppstein
BuildDepends: BuildtoolDepends: BuildExportDepends: ExecDepends:
Action types¶
¶ Field (Goal): - joint_names[] (string) –
- tolerances[] (float64) –
- max_step (duration) –
- cache_size (uint32) –
string[] joint_names # Names of the joints we're waiting to settle float64[] tolerances # Tolerance on each of the specified joints duration max_step # The maximum timestep between two elements in an interval uint32 cache_size # The size of our cache when searching for an interval --- ---