¶ Version: 0.1.17
Description: The mongodb_store_msgs package
Maintainers: - Nick Hawes <n DOT a DOT hawes AT cs DOT bham DOT ac DOT uk>
Licenses: - MIT
Authors: - Nick Hawes <n DOT a DOT hawes AT cs DOT bham DOT ac DOT uk>
BuildDepends: BuildtoolDepends: BuildExportDepends: ExecDepends:
Service types¶
¶ Field (Request): - database (string) –
- collection (string) –
- document_id (string) –
Field (Response): - success (bool) –
string database string collection string document_id --- bool success
¶ Field (Request): - database (string) –
- collection (string) –
- message (mongodb_store_msgs/SerialisedMessage) –
- meta (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
Field (Response): - id (string) –
message used for inserting a ROS msg into a MongoDB database
# message used for inserting a ROS msg into a MongoDB database string database string collection SerialisedMessage message # meta description to be added to message, each pair interpreted as key = value StringPairList meta --- # id of the inserted msg string id
¶ Field (Request): - database (string) –
- collection (string) –
- upsert (bool) –
- message_query (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
- meta_query (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
- message (mongodb_store_msgs/SerialisedMessage) –
- meta (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
Field (Response): - id (string) –
- success (bool) –
message used for updating matching ROS msgs from a MongoDB database
# message used for updating matching ROS msgs from a MongoDB database string database string collection # insert if no matching message found bool upsert # key/values to be turned into a query doc on message content StringPairList message_query # key/values to be turned into a query doc on meta content StringPairList meta_query # the message to be inserted SerialisedMessage message # meta description to be added to message, if empty leave meta unchanged, if upsert true and empty, use meta_query StringPairList meta --- # id of the updated msg string id # true if the database was changed bool success
¶ Constant (Request): - JSON_QUERY (string):
Field (Request): - database (string) –
- collection (string) –
- type (string) –
- single (bool) –
- message_query (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
- meta_query (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
- sort_query (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
Field (Response): - messages[] (mongodb_store_msgs/SerialisedMessage) –
- metas[] (mongodb_store_msgs/StringPairList) –
message used for querying for ids of matching ROS msgs from a MongoDB database
constant passed as key in query to indicate the value should be treated as a query string (assuming that is possible...)
# message used for querying for ids of matching ROS msgs from a MongoDB database # constant passed as key in query to indicate the value should be treated as a query string (assuming that is possible...) string JSON_QUERY="jnsdfskajd_fmgs.dlf" string database string collection # type to deserialise into string type # whether you're only looking for a single bool single # key/values to be turned into a query doc on message content StringPairList message_query # key/values to be turned into a query doc on meta content StringPairList meta_query # key/values to be turned into a sort query StringPairList sort_query --- # messages which match the query SerialisedMessage[] messages StringPairList[] metas
- JSON_QUERY (string):
Action types¶
¶ Field (Goal): - database (string) –
- collections (mongodb_store_msgs/StringList) –
- move_before (duration) –
- delete_after_move (bool) –
Field (Feedback): - completed[] (string) –
the db to move entries from
# the db to move entries from string database # the collections to move entries from StringList collections # only entries before rospy.get_rostime() - move_before are moved. if 0, all are moved duration move_before bool delete_after_move --- --- # the collections which have been operated on so far string[] completed